Local: 647-608-3341
Toll Free: 1-877-519-3640


Health Insurance Resources


The provinces and territories administer and deliver most of Canada's health care services, with all provincial and territorial health insurance plans expected to meet national principles set out under the Canada Health Act. Each provincial and territorial health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services that are provided on a pre-paid basis, without direct charges at the point of service. 

Most provincial and territorial governments offer and fund supplementary benefits for certain groups (e.g., low-income residents and seniors), such as drugs prescribed outside hospitals, ambulance costs, and hearing, vision and dental care, that are not covered under the Canada Health Act. 

Although the provinces and territories provide these additional benefits for certain groups of people, supplementary health services are largely financed privately. Individuals and families who do not qualify for publicly funded coverage may pay these costs directly (out-of-pocket), be covered under an employment-based group insurance plan or buy private insurance. Under most provincial and territorial laws, private insurers are restricted from offering coverage that duplicates that of the publicly funded plans, but they can compete in the supplementary coverage market.

To find out more about your province's health care policy, click on a link below:

Ontario (OHIP) Click Here Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness
Ontario (Trillium Drug Plan) North West Territories Health and Social Services
Alberta Health & Wellness Nunavut Deparment of Health
BC Health Plan PEI Department of Health and Wellness
Manitoba Health Plan Quebec Health Insurance
New Brunswick Health Plan Saskatchewan Health Plan
Newfoundland Health & Community Services Yukon Health and Social Services


logo-healthcanada Health Canada
logo-cda Canadian Diabetes Association
logo-hsfoc Heart & Stroke Foundation
logo-ccs Canadian Cancer Society

About Trillium

Trillium Health Services is a professional services firm that specializes in providing AFFORDABLE and FLEXIBLE Extended Health Benefits for entrepreneurs, self-employed professionals and small business owners. We serve thousands of customers across Canada, and our unique, OREA/TREB approved "Private Health Services Plan" (PHSP) provides individuals with a convenient way to not only meet their changing insurance needs, but also save taxes on their health expenses.

Understanding that different families and different individuals have different needs, Trillium Health Services has entered into partnerships with many of Canada’s Leading Health Insurance Providers that offer QUALITY Health & Dental insurance. We now offer a variety of plans designed to fit the needs and lifestyles of people of all ages, especially those 50 and over.

When you become part of our unique "PHSP" benefit program, you'll gain the added confidence of knowing that many of your health-related expenses, both routine and unexpected, are not only covered by one of Canada's leading insurance companies, but are also 100% Tax Deductible.

If you have any questions about Trillium Health Services, or would like more information about our plans and/or tax-saving vehicles, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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Privacy Policy

Trillium Health Services is committed to respecting the privacy and confidentiality of information it receives, in accordance with Trillium Health Services Privacy Guidelines, and applicable law. Trillium Health Services has established and will continue to maintain reasonable safeguards to protect the security and confidentiality of personal information.

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Contact Info

Trillium Health Services
2 St. Clair Avenue West, Suite 1800
Toronto, ON
M4V 1L5

Phone: 647-608-3341
Toll Free and Fax: 1-877-519-3640
