Comprehensive Conversion Plan “GUARANTEED ISSUE Starting at $114.23 without Drugs and $192.59 Drugs Included.
Hospital accommodation
100% reimbursement to a maximum of $225 a day up to 90 days each calendar year for a semi-private room
Prescription drugs
Without Drug Card 100% to a maximum of $1,500 a calendar year, and you submit your drug expenses using paper claim forms. With Drug Card – 85% to a maximum of $1,500 in each calendar year, and includes a Pay-Direct Drug Card that eliminates submitting paper claims for your convenience
Ambulance service
100% of air and ground
Dental accident treatment
Dentalcare (routine dental services and supplies)
80% up to $1,000 each calendar year. Services include diagnostic, preventative, minor restorative, denture maintenance, oral surgery, adjunctive services (e.g. anesthesia), endodontic, periodontal. Major Restorative care (including crowns and on lays, dentures and bridgework, denture-related surgery and appliance maintenance) is available to Comprehensive Plan members as an optional rider and covers 50% of up to $750.00 per calendar year per insured person.
Supporting health services
100% up to the maximums in your policy. Referred to in your policy as "paramedical" services, these include licensed chiropractors, licensed osteopaths, licensed naturopaths, licensed podiatrists, licensed physiotherapists, registered psychologists and social workers, qualified speech therapists and qualified massage therapists.
100% up to $200 per person every 24 months and 1 eye exam every 24 month
Hearing aids
90% up to $500 per person every 5 years
In-home nursing care
100% up to $3,500 every 36 months
Medical supplies, aids and appliances (home health aid care)
100% up to maximums in your policy
Overall annual maximum
$50,000 per person each calendar year
All coverage is for reasonable and customary expenses not covered by a government plan. The above information is a summary only. Please view our Detailed Coverage Information for more details. The information provided on this site does not constitute a contract. For specific information about coverage and limitations, please refer to master policy for definitions.