Starter Health and Dental Plan - $78.50 monthly
Dental care (routine dental services and supplies)
70% coverage up to a maximum of $400 per person per calendar year. Services include exams, cleanings, fillings, scaling, polishing, root planning, diagnostic, select extractions and other basic dental services.
Prescription Drugs
70% coverage up to a maximum $525 per person per calendar year.
Vision Care
100% up to $100 per person every 24 months and 1 eye exam every 24 months
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
$10,000 per person under 65.
Travel Insurance – To age 65.
Unlimited trips up to a maximum of 5 days per trip (top up days are available through Trillium)
Survivor benefit
Available 1 year after policy effective date
Registered Specialists & Therapists
$20 per visit up to $300 per specialist/therapist each calendar year. These include "paramedical" services - licensed chiropractors, licensed osteopaths, licensed naturopaths, licensed acupuncturists, licensed podiatrists, licensed physiotherapists, registered psychologists and social workers, qualified speech therapists and qualified massage therapists. Maximum visits per year 10.
Homecare and Nursing, Prosthetic Appliances and Durable Medical Equipment
Year 1: $1,000, Year 2: $1,300, Year 3: $1,500, Year 4: $2,000, Year 5+: $2,500. Covers the services of Registered Nurse and Certified Home Support Worker. Also covers surgical bandages and dressings and the purchase or rental of medically necessary equipment.
Custom Made Orthotics
100% up to a maximum of $225 per person per calendar year
Hearing Aids
100% up to $300 per 4-year period
Ambulance Services
Unlimited ground transport and air ambulance
Accidental Dental
100% to a maximum of $2,000 per person per calendar year
Hospital Benefits – (Not available on Starter Plan)
The Starter Plan also includes Lifeline Personal Response Services, Health Service Navigator and Preferred Vision Services
Lifetime Maximum - $100,000